RealtyMogul vs Sweater Comparison

Assess their risks, liquidity, investments, returns, timeframes and other terms

Invest in individual commercial real estate properties or REITs

Invest in venture-backed companies

143,000 visits/month 21,300 search keywords
26,000 visits/month 500 search keywords


The minimum investment on RealtyMogul typically ranges from $25,000 to $35,000, depending on the specific investment offering.


The minimum investment for Sweater's Cashmere Fund is $500.

Moderate Risk

Investing through RealtyMogul entails risks like market volatility, economic shifts, and property-specific issues. Investments are illiquid and there's potential for loss of capital.

High Risk

Investing in Sweater's Cashmere Fund, like any venture capital investment, carries inherent risks. These risks include market volatility, economic conditions, and challenges specific to the companies in which the fund invests.

Minimum Liquidity

Investments through RealtyMogul are illiquid, as they are private real estate transactions not traded on public exchanges, and therefore cannot be easily sold or traded. Investors should have a long-term commitment and not expect to resell quickly.

Minimum Liquidity

Sweater provides biannual redemption windows for investors to access their investment before the end of the investment term. However, there may be restrictions and limitations on the redemption process.

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High Return
15.0 %

Investors on RealtyMogul can expect an overall realized IRR of 20.8% and an overall target IRR of 15.0%. Cash-on-cash returns, IRR, and equity multiples are key metrics provided for each deal.

Low Return
4.08 %

The fund has achieved an annualized return of 4.08% since its inception.

Long-term Investment
3-10 years

Investments on RealtyMogul generally have a hold period ranging from 3 to 10 years, depending on the individual property's business plan and associated financing.

Long-term Investment
1-5 years

Sweater's Cashmere Fund is designed for long-term investments, but they provide biannual redemption windows for investors to redeem a portion or all of their investment.

Who can invest
United States

RealtyMogul allows both accredited and non-accredited investors to use its platform. However, only accredited investors can participate in private placement offerings, while both categories of investors may invest in RealtyMogul's managed REITs, subject to certain legal limitations.

Who can invest
United States

Any U.S. resident over the age of 18 with a Social Security Number (SSN) is eligible to invest in Sweater's Cashmere Fund.

Moderate Volatility

Commercial real estate assets on RealtyMogul can be volatile, with values affected by economic shifts, interest rates, and market trends. This can lead to fluctuations in investment value and potential financial losses.

Moderate Volatility

The assets on Sweater's platform, including the investments made by the Cashmere Fund, can be subject to volatility.

Regulation and audits
SEC Regulated

RealtyMogul is regulated by the SEC and must adhere to strict disclosure and filing requirements. The platform's offerings are subject to regular audits to ensure compliance with financial reporting and regulatory standards.

Regulation and audits
SEC Regulated

Sweater operates under SEC regulations, allowing them to accept investments from non-accredited investors.


RealtyMogul's properties are insured against physical damage and loss, but insurance might not cover all risks, such as market volatility or economic downturns. Insurance is a risk mitigation tool, not a guarantee against all potential losses.


Specific details about Sweater's insurance policies are not available on their website.


Investors may receive quarterly distributions, which are not guaranteed in timing or amount and depend on the performance of the investment and terms set by the managing real estate company.

No Recurring Payouts

According to Sweater's website, the Cashmere Fund does not pay dividends to investors.


Investors on RealtyMogul can expect to receive their money back either through property sales or distributions during the investment's hold period, as outlined in the offering documents. The investments are illiquid, so exact timing of returns is not guaranteed.


Investors in Sweater's Cashmere Fund can redeem their investment during biannual redemption windows. However, there may be restrictions or limitations on the redemption process.

Extra Fees

Investors indirectly pay fees for each investment, which vary by the offering and cover administrative, legal, and management costs. Fee details are disclosed for each opportunity on the platform.

Extra Fees

Sweater's Cashmere Fund charges a fee of up to 2% for redeeming investments during the semi-annual redemption windows.

Tax Form

RealtyMogul issues Schedule K-1 forms for individual deals and Form 1099s for REIT investments, made accessible via the investor's dashboard. Dividends from REITs historically have not been qualified for preferential tax rates.

Annual Statement

Venture funds, like Sweater's Cashmere Fund, generally provide tax reporting support to investors.

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